EFCEM slår ihop arbetsgrupperna om BIM och Connectivity

I en information från EFCEM den 8 december, meddelar de att arbetsgrupperna för BIM och Connectivity, dvs uppkopplade storköksapparater inom det som kallas “Internet of Things”, kommer att slås ihop till WG 1 BIM & Connectivity.

Det finns alla möjligheter för de inom Sverige som vill deltaga i denna arbetsgrupp och arbeta med BIM och uppkopplad storköksutrustning. Se nedan, ordförande Keith Warrens kommentarer:

The value of BIM as a process management tool has evolved significantly from the primary use of manufacturer models at the design/build stage of new projects.

This same base data is increasingly being used in conjunction with ‘connectivity’ aspects of equipment and the management of facilities and equipment whilst ‘in use’. This reflects the BIM hierarchy of development and is in line with Internet of Things/Industry 4.0 ambitions.

Recently we have seen the overlap of these two key elements of data management and as a result, the recent meeting of the BIM WG, proposed the merger of the two groups. Following this a proposal was made to the EFCEM Management Board and this was approved.

Therefore the Working Groups will merge with immediate effect to become EFCEM WG1 - BIM & Connectivity. You will automatically be included in the new group unless you indicate otherwise. The Agenda for meetings will include the same level of detail for discussion and action.

Keith Warren finns tillgänglig på keith.warren@fea.org.uk om ni har några frågor om gruppens arbete.